As a contract editor with the Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, I edited and worked with researchers in rewriting manuscripts submitted for publication to research and technical journals, as well as helped with professional manuals, oral histories, and a variety of other in-house publications.
Examples of some the professional articles that have been published are listed separately. Among additional materials edited are:
Title: The Target Seedling Concept
Author: Nursery Technology Cooperative
As: Annual Report
Title: Family History and Management of OSU Research Forests, Benton and Polk Counties, Oregon: 1946–1986
Author: Marvin Rowley
As: Soap Creek Valley, Oregon, Oral History Series. Monograph #15.
Title: A retrospective study of carbon and nitrogen status following clear cutting and prescribed burning, southwest Oregon
Authors: J.G. Borchers, D.A. Perry, P. Sollins, G. Koerper, and K. Cromack, Jr.
Title: Simulation of timber harvesting delay data
Authors: M.M. Hossain and E.D. Olsen
Title: Fish Passage at Road Crossings with Culverts: Design Guide (completed by in-house staff)
Authors: E. George Robison and Marvin Pyles
Title: Forage seeding effects on Douglas-fir seedlings and associated vegetation in the Oregon Cascades
Authors: D. Eric Hanson, Timothy B. Harrington, and D.B. Warnell
Title: Modeling tree and plot responses to fertilization on randomized complete block designs
Authors: Chao-Huan Wang and David W. Hann
Title: Frost hardiness of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) seedlings: Evaluation of the electrical conductivity method
Authors: Ursula K. Schuch, Mary L. Duryea, and Leslie H. Fuchigami