Honey-Maker: How the Honey Bee Worker Does What She Does

Honey-Maker: How the Honey Bee Worker Does What She Does

  • Honey-Maker: How the Honey Bee Worker Does What She Does

Along with others who have kept bees, I contracted an incurable case of honey bee fever. This no doubt contributed to my writing a book based on my attempt to answer some of the questions that occupied my mind while working bees. The found answers to my questions were often buried in voluminous texts and research papers, a number of which contained conflicting information. At times, answers to questions asked only grew more elusive as I would watch the question quietly morph into many. In the end, this led me to do what I could to put the book together for others who might be similarly curious.

For this project, I did the research, writing, and editing. I learned about ISBNs and LCCNs, created the index, did the layout, and designed the cover. (As it was, the cover girl was visiting a Shasta daisy in my yard the day I found her.) Yet, I was not alone in this process—nor would the book be printed at all were it not for the kind help I received along the way. Many were willing to take their time in reviewing the material and offering suggestions to make the information more accessible overall, and I remain forever grateful for each of their recommendations.

Even as exploration continues, the book is published as:

Title: Honey-Maker: How the Honey Bee Worker Does What She Does

Author: Rosanna L. Mattingly

Publisher: Beargrass Press. Portland, Oregon.

More about the book can be found at Beargrass Press.

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